Friday, May 20, 2016

Friends forever

In this age of computers and social networking we meet many people online and for us they remain just names because we do not ever meet them. I have made quite a few online friends over the years and have not met most of them. But through constant communication, sharing pictures, sharing our day to day experiences I have come quite close to some of them and in fact look forward to meeting them one day. This is for the ones who really care for me and whom I hope to meet soon.

The names for me were just names
They meant nothing else to me I did not care what their faces were like They were just online friends to me

I saw you and things just changed
I now care very much what faces are like
Now friends are not just online friends
Be my rock and be my strength

And through the years stay beside me
So in this age of mobiles and computers
Sent you to me online
I have so much to say

I hope this friendship will last
Forever till the very end

Till I saw you and we became friends
One day we will meet this I promise

In you a good friend I do see
Someone up there knew I was lonely
Needed a friend and needed a guide
Words are very hard to come

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